Games working with tile mode in assembler ----------------------------------------- Mario Allstars (all but Mario 3) Addams family 1 Addams family 2 (turn -nogain or press f10 to ear the musics) TMNT 4 Knights Of the round (press 6) Gradius3 Bomberman 2 Bomberman 5 (hit start) Castlevania IV Contra III (some levels use mode 7) Cool Spot (press 6) Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2 Final Fight (press 6) Super Ghouls & Ghosts Harvest Moon Super Mario World 7th Saga Mystic Arc Beavis & Butthead Breath of Fire (press 6) Dragon Ball Z II (press 6) SoulBlazer Actraisr (Press F12 to see start Mode7 screen , then prees F12 again to play with asm engine ) Evermore (Disable Wind sound channels) Aladin Super Aleste (some levels use mode 7) Alien3 Castlevania V (press F3 to disable fire effect) Breath Of Fire 1 (press 6 at battles) Bombblis SuperPang Carnage Evo (press F2 at map screen ) Harvest Ignition Factor (press 6 ) Joe And Mac Kirby Avalanche (disable adsr for better sound) Kirby Cor Krusty Zelda (add-sub screen problem, we are working on hicolor suport) Lufia 1. MechWarrior R-Type Parodius Twin Bee. SoffRoad. BugsBunny Wydardry 5 etc.... Thanks to lepper for testing.